Friday 8 July 2011

Sunday 10 July 2011

Welcome to BVP... this Sunday in light of the current troubles in the Church of Scotland we will give some thought to schism under the theme 'Growing Together' Our Order of Service will be:


Call to Worship:

Good morning ... welcome to Balshagray Victoria Park.

Hymn 173 Sing to God new songs of worship


Children’s Address: ‘’

Children’s Prayer / Lord’s Prayer

Hymn 600 Spirit of God unseen as the wind

Prayer of Approach


Offering / Dedication

Scripture Reading: Matthew 25 v31-46 p996

Prayer of Intercession

Hymn 272 Father of peace and God of love

Sermon:  ‘Growing Together’

Hymn 739 The Church’s one foundation

Benediction / Sung Amen