Thursday 23 February 2012

Thank you for following us on the blog, we have used this site for quite some time to keep everyone up to date with what is happening in BVP. Now however our web site has been revamped and will contain up to date information on BVP in an easy to use format. It has been fun using blogpot but the web site is more versatile.
Thank you for visiting this site.

Friday 17 February 2012

Sunday 19 February

We look forward to welcoming everyone to BVP on Sunday when we will be continuing with our studies in Matthew's Gospel in the morning and Jeremiah in the evening. Our Order of Service in the morning will be:

Welcome and Call to Worship
Hymn 173  Sing to God new songs of worship
Children’s Address: ‘Getting Nearer’
Children’s Prayer / Lord’s Prayer
Hymn  181 For the beauty  of the earth
Prayer of Adoration
Offering / Dedication
Scripture Reading: Matthew 11 v20—30 p976
Prayer of Intercession
Hymn 384 The love that clothes itself in light
Sermon:  ‘Rest for the Weary
Hymn  451 Where high the heavenly temple stands
Benediction / Sung Amen

Friday 10 February 2012

Sunday 12 February

My apologies for not updating the blog for a week or two life has been rather hectic...
However this week we have a normal Sunday in BVP. We continue with our studies in Matthew's Gospel reaching chapter 11:


Welcome and Call to Worship
Hymn 512 To God be the glory
Children’s Address: ‘’
Children’s Prayer / Lord’s Prayer
Hymn 356 Meekness and majesty
Prayer of Adoration
Offering / Dedication
Scripture Reading: Matthew 11 v19 p976
Prayer of Intercession
Hymn 21 Lord teach us all your ways
Sermon:  ‘Is Jesus the One?
Hymn 466 Before the throne of God above
Benediction / Sung Amen

Saturday 21 January 2012

Sunday 22 January 2012

This morning we continue with our studies in Matthew's Gospel and look forward to next Sunday's Centenary Service for the founding of the 101. Our Order of Service will be:

Welcome and Call to Worship
Hymn 83 I rejoiced when I heard them say
Children’s Address: ‘Ten Unknowns’
Children’s Prayer / Lord’s Prayer
Hymn 251 I the Lord of sea and sky
Prayer of Adoration
Offering / Dedication
Scripture Reading: Matthew 10 v1—16  p974
Prayer of Intercession
Hymn 540 I heard the voice of Jesus say
Sermon:  Shrewd but Innocent’
Hymn 542 Lord speak to me
Benediction / Sung Amen

Friday 13 January 2012

Sunday 15 January

After all the excitement of the festive season we settle back into our normal pattern of worship as we resume our studies in Matthew's Gospel and J-Team and Bible Class resume.

Our Order of Service on Sunday will be:
Welcome and Call to Worship
Hymn 14 (Wiltshire) The Lord’s my shepherd
Children’s Address
Children’s Prayer / Lord’s Prayer
Hymn 191 Do not be afraid
Prayer of Adoration
Offering / Dedication
Scripture Reading: Matthew 9 v35— 10 v16 p974
Prayer of Intercession
Hymn 399 My song is love unknown
Sermon: 'Harassed and Helpless'
Hymn For my sake and the Gospel go
Benediction / Sung Amen

Saturday 7 January 2012

Sunday 8 January 2012

We are slowly getting back to normal after the festive season; the J-Team resumes next Sunday so we will ahve a simpler service once again this week - end. Our Order of Service will be:

Welcome and Call to Worship
Hymn 52 How lovely is Thy dwelling place
Children’s Address: ‘Just One Word’
Children’s Prayer / Lord’s Prayer
Hymn 600 Spirit of God unseen as the wind
Prayer of Adoration
Offering / Dedication
Scripture Reading: Matthew 9 v 27—34 p974
Prayer of Intercession
Hymn 201 Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness
Address:  ‘Faith’s Reward’
Hymn 436 Christ triumphant, ever reigning
Benediction / Sung Amen