Friday 1 April 2011

Sunday 3 April

This Sunday we look forward to welcoming Elspeth Paterson back to BVP as she continues to rest and enjoy her home assignment.  Then we resume our studies in Deuteronomy and with the children we will give thanks for all the mums in the congregation.

Our Order of Service will be:

Introit  & Call to Worship
Hymn 436 Christ triumphant ever reigning
Children’s Address
Children’s Prayer / Lord’s Prayer
Hymn 600 Spirit of God unseen as the wind
Prayer of Approach
Offering / Dedication
Scripture Reading:  Deuteronomy 8 v1-20 p187
Prayer of Intercession
Hymn 189 Be still for the presence of the Lord
Sermon: ‘Do Not Forget’
Hymn 113 (Cwm Rhondda) God the Father of creation
Benediction / Sung Amen