Friday 25 November 2011

Sunday 27 November

This morning we welcome a new member Mrs Anne Aitken to BVP. Then we resume our studies in Matthew 9 considering 'New Wine, New Wine Skins.' Our Order of Service will be:

Call to Worship:
Hymn 57 The Lord doth reign
Children’s Address: ‘Van the man…’
Children’s Prayer / Lord’s Prayer
Prayer of Approach
Welcome to Mrs Anne Aitken
Hymn 520 Ye who the Name of Jesus bear
Offering / Dedication
Scripture Reading: Matthew 9 v9 – 17 p973
Choir: John Rutter - For the beauty of the earth
Prayer of Intercession
Hymn 483 Father of heaven whose love profound
Sermon:  ‘New Wine New Wineskins’
Hymn 465 be Thou my vision
Benediction / Sung Amen