February 2012
Dear Friends
It is my prayer that during my time in BVP everyone in the congregation develops a deep love, a passion no less, for the great and wonderful words of the Bible. In the Bible words are not just blobs of ink on a page; they are like the wardrobe in the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe – you step through them into a wonderful exciting world that is never quite as you expect it to be. In English, for example, the word righteousness is a rather scary word, it means moral strictness; but in the Bible it is an exhilarating word. In the Bible righteousness means something like ‘all that is well pleasing to God’ so for Jesus righteousness was bowing to the Father’s will in the Garden of Gethsemane and saying ‘not my will but your will be done’. But since it is God’s will that we know salvation, not through our own efforts but through all that Christ did for on the cross, for us righteousness, what is well pleasing to God, is that we entrust ourselves to the love and mercy of the Saviour! The word righteousness is not as we expect it to be and transports us into the wonderful, exciting world of grace.
Since the words of the Bible are given the impossible task of describing who God is and what He is like it takes a lifetime to begin to understand them and misunderstanding them can cause a great deal of needless anxiety.
Take the word power; I have heard many sermons that focus upon the word power. In our Bibles power is a translation of the Greek word dynamos from which we get a whole range of words like dynamic, dynamo, and dynamite; so preachers speak of the Holy Spirit being a powerful person full of dynamism like a
fearless captain of industry ever on the lookout for new markets to conquer new businesses to acquire. Or He is like a great
dynamo, a generator of immense energy to empower His people. Or He is like dynamite a great explosive that can blow the most immovable of mountains to smithereens. Therefore, they say, to have the Holy Spirit in one’s life is to be filled with this great energy; it is to have your whole world blown apart. Such sermons leave me feeling hopeless and useless because I have never known such a power in my life or in my ministry!
However whatever dynamos means in Greek it cannot mean a dynamo or dynamite because they were not invented when the Bible was written! In the Bible dynamos has a very different meaning. When the Lord Jesus was conceived in Mary’s womb the power (dynamos) of the Almighty overshadowed her; but she did not realise it! The power of the Holy Spirit is a power that imparts inextinguishable life and yet so gently and tenderly you hardly know He is there (the exact opposite of dynamite!). It was by the power (dynamos) of the Holy Spirit that Jesus was raised from the dead, again no drama but an incredible power overcoming death with fullness of life, fulfilling God’s purpose.
Surely it is this power of the Holy Spirit we experience as we grapple with a word like righteousness and we find the words of the Bible imparting life to us and changing us forever, or when new light is cast upon a parable and it changes from being a familiar story we have always known into a source of wonder that makes us marvel anew at who Jesus is and all he has done for us.
It is my prayer that we will experience much of the power of the Holy Spirit as we worship together in the New Year.
Your friend and minister
Campbell Mackinnon
Don't forget to check the church blog
Hidden books of the Bible
I once heard a remark about the hidden books of the Bible. It was a lulu; kept people looking so hard for facts…..and for others it was a revelation. Some were in a jam, especially since the names of the books were not capitalised. But the truth finally struck home to numbers of our readers. To others it was a real job. We want it to be a most fascinating few moments for you. Yes, there will be some really easy ones to spot. Others may require judges to help them. I will quickly admit it usually takes a minister to find one of them, and there will be loud lamentations when it is found. A little lady says she brews a cup of tea so she can concentrate better. See how well you can compete. Relax now, for there really are sixteen names of books of the Bible in this paragraph.
Tea Rota
February 5 Sharon Fergus Susan Gibson
12 Isobel MacKay Margaret Paisley
19 Janice Glass Hazel McCalden
26 Anne Nelson Chris McGowan
March 4 Marion Francis Janice Mackinnon
The full rota for January – June 2012 is on the noticeboard in the Small Hall. Please take a copy. If you are unable to do your duty please arrange a replacement.
Many thanks
Janice Mackinnon
Glasgow Presbytery is offering child protection training courses as follows:
Thursday 8th March 7.00 – 9.30 pm
Saturday 28th April 10.00am – 12.30pm
Both courses are being held in Garthamlock and Craigend East Parish Church, 46 Porchester Street, Glasgow G33 5BH.
Please give your name to Colin Murray if you are interested in attending either of these courses.
The Guild
The Guild meets on the 14th February for a talk on “Games old and new”, and then on the 18th we have our annual Coffee Morning from 10 a.m. to 12 noon, which we do hope you’ll support. Tickets priced £2 adults and £1 children will be on sale the previous Sunday, or at the door on the day. We would be most grateful for any contributions to the Cake and Candy stall!
The following meeting in February will be on the 28th, when we welcome an Ayrshire farmer to talk on making dairy ice-cream. This was postponed from last year when our speaker had an accident.
Next month there will be further details about our Centenary Service on Tuesday 17th April, in the Church at 2 p.m., so please keep this time free if you would like to join us!
Christine Hay
Guild Secretary
The Choir - Musical Notes
Recent studies by various universities have shown that choral singing has many health benefits which include lowering stress levels and boosting the immune system. In particular, singing raises the levels of the "feel-good" endorphins in a similar way to exercise. None of this will come as news to BVP choir members who, without recourse to trainers or lycra, are well aware of the positive buzz acheived whilst singing.
Staying on an athletic theme, the comparison between those hoping to achieve success at the forthcoming Olympics and our choir members may not be immediately obvious. However, many of the traits required to become an Olympian are possessed by my fellow choristers. The are strong-willed, tenacious, dedicated, determined and committed. They are committed to turning up to training on Thursday night, in all weathers, and dedicated and determined to give of their best Sunday by Sunday and they lead the singing during the service.
Singers, like athletes, need good coaches and in Coach Douglas we have someone whose energy, enthusiasm and encouragement keep us on the right track. Indeed the Olympic motto of "Citius, Altius, Fortius" can be heard as his instructions, though not necessarily to be implemented all at once!
We are in training to sing a new arrangement by Sally de Ford and get on your marks to listen out for our wonderful "Gloria".
Pamela Joss
Prayer Points
The Voice of Fear
''...He will work for you today...'' Exodus 14:13
If you're battling fear today, listen to these words from the God who loves you, protects you and promises to be with you. When there seems to be no way out, He says, 'Fear not; stand still (firm, confident, undismayed) and see the [deliverance] of the Lord which He will work for you today.' Notice the words, 'He will work for you today'. Start looking for evidence of His hand at work in your situation; that's how your faith grows. When the problem looks too big, He says, 'Be strong, courageous, and firm; fear not nor be in terror before them, for it is the Lord your God Who goes with you; He will not fail you or forsake you' (Deuteronomy 31:6 AMP). Stop and remind yourself whose company you're in. The One 'Who goes with you' has never lost a battle, and He will win this one. When you feel like you can't cope any more, He says, '...do not look around you... and be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen and harden you to difficulties...' (Isaiah 41:10 AMP). Notice the words 'harden you to difficulties'. God usually doesn't lift us out of the problem, He takes us through it and toughens us up. When you lose your peace of mind, He says, 'Do not fret or have any anxiety about anything, but in every circumstance... continue to make your wants known to God. And God's peace... which transcends all understanding shall garrison and mount guard over your hearts and minds...' (Philippians 4:6-7 AMP). Don't listen to the voice of fear. God is with you today
Copied with permission from "The Word for Today." Free copies are available from UCB Operations Centre, Westport Road, Stoke-on-Trent, England, ST6 4JF
Christine Hay
Prayer Secretary
Congregational Budget for 2012
Financial figures for 2011 are influenced by the purchase of the new church organ which is of course a valuable asset for the church. The fabric costs for the manse and the church also exceeded budget last year and as a result of this there will be considerable deficit. However this is not as serious as it looks on paper as previous funds had been saved up to offset the purchase price of the organ. Other expenses have been kept in
check so far as possible.
So far as the budget is concerned a further deficit is predicted but the amount of this will depend on how much fabric expenditure is incurred during the present year. A full report will be provided at the AGM after the accounts have been examined by the Independent Auditors.
Congregational Budget for 2012
General Fund Budget (all figures in £)
FWO Scheme 26,000 26,312
Gift Aid Donations 31,000 30,883
Tax on Gift Aid Donations 14,100 15,300
Ordinary Offerings (Open Plate) 6,000 6,023
Christmas Fayre 1,500 1,472
Other Offerings, Donations 7,000 12,770
Investments and Deposits 600 600
92,700 99,269
National Stipend Allocation Fund & 62,932 60,250
Mission & Renewal Fund Allocation
Less Endowment Income 4,734 4,772
58,198 55,798
Presbytery Dues 3,283 3,274
Local Staffing Costs
Minister’s Expenses 720 720
Other Salaries 1,040 2,644
Building Costs
Fabric, Repairs & Maintenance 10,000 15,285
Heating & Lighting 10,000 9,027
Water Charges & Insurance 7,500 7,513
Manse Council Tax 2,678 2,678
Other Loan Costs
Telephone, Stationery 1,600 1,610
Other Expenses 3.500 3,489
Church Organ 17,081
TOTAL EXPENDITURE 98,419 119,119
The budget has still to be approved by the Board and Kirk Session.
Campbell Joss
Church Flowers
Church Flower contributors in February are:
5th Anne Aitken
12th Rena Leigh
19th Fiona Shaw
26th Christine Hill.
If you wish to have a flower Sunday please speak to me
Anne Richardson
Clarkston Christian Aid Art Exhibition and Sale
The 32nd Clarkston Christian Aid Art Exhibition and Sale will be held in Clarkston Hall on Saturday 10th March from 10am to 4pm. Admission, including tea/coffee, is £2, children 50p.
A few of us in BVP take part in this. It is usually very profitable. Last year £7230 was raised for Christian Aid, which is terrific in the present economic climate. If you are looking for a special present, why not buy a picture. There will be about 400 to choose from in a wide range of styles and prices and at least one third of what you pay will go to Christian Aid. There are also other stalls with items for sale. If you can make it, you will be very welcome. A 6b or 44 bus stops at the door.
Rhoda McGhee
Presbytery of Glasgow Parish Prayer Points
5th February
Ibrox: Give thanks for the inspired leadership of our minister, the work carried out by our Mission and Outreach, Pastoral Care, Education for all, and our Worship and Prayer Groups. Pray for God's guidance and blessing on their work. Pray also for our young people and organisations, that through the dedication and commitment of their leaders they will grow in understanding and faith in our Lord.
12th February
John Ross Memorial Church for Deaf People: Pray that the future will be secured and that we could have full-time ministers to the deaf in Aberdeen and Edinburgh as well as Glasgow. Pray for funding to be available to have more ministers and missionary workers, suitably qualified to spread the Gospel, the Good News, to all Deaf People throughout Scotland.
19th February
Jordanhill: Give thanks for the increased number of children and young families coming to church and pray that this trend will continue. Pray that the links already made with other local churches of all denominations continues to strengthen.
26th February
Kelvin Stevenson Memorial: Please pray for the advancement of a Church that will be open and inclusive, devoid of bigotry and free of judgementalism; where indeed "all will be welcome in this place" to receive and share the Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ; the Love of God and the Communion of the Holy Spirit - all to the Glory of God and the extension of Christ's Kingdom.
Prayer for the Church of Scotland : Almighty God we acknowledge your unbounded love and compassion for a sinful world. Send your Spirit among us that our actions should reflect this same generosity. Through our deeds and sharing of resources may we demonstrate to all around us the message of the Gospel of your Son who gave his life as the ultimate sacrifice for our redemption. This we ask in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Prayer for the Presbytery of Glasgow : Let us pray for the Strategy Advisory Group and its sub-committees, that in all they do, they will be sensitive to the promptings of the Holy Spirit and will exercise well the gifts that God has given them. Let us pray for the chairperson of the Strategy Group, the Strategy Officer and the leaders of the sub-committees that they will know the leading and guiding of God as they continue to exercise their important leadership role.
Happy News
Naima Isis Nana Adwube Adom was born to Patrick and Afua Adom on Tuesday 13th December 2011 at 5.47am. Unlike her mum who likes to be on time she was 12 days late and weighed 8lbs 7oz. Naima has a full head of hair and seems to posses an old soul like she has been here before and knows every one already. She likes to smile but unfortunately doesn't like to sleep and keeps her mum and dad on their toes every night. Despite this she is an undeniable bundle of joy, especilly to her grandparents Sam and Gloria Acheampong.
BVP Phone Book 2012
Hello and a happy new telephone year to you all. Since November we have been creating a BVP Phone Book. We have got 50 names in the past 3 months, we are still looking for more for the spring edition so please complete the form below if you are not already included.
Kenna Francis
Calum Mackinnon
I would like to put in my Mobile / Phone No in
Mobile / Phone No is
I would like to place an order for a phone book
Please return to: Calum Mackinnon by 29 February 2012 to be included in the spring edition
Church Roll
Change of address
Mrs Catherine Cavanagh from 46 Station Road, Bearsden (District 8) to 2 Selborne Road, Jordnhill (District 11)
Andy Coghill
World Day of Prayer
The 2012 World Day of Prayer local service will be held in Balshagray Victoria Park on Friday 2nd March at 2.00pm.
This year the service has been written by the Christian women of Malaysia and is entitled "Let Justice Prevail",
Rena Ross
Compassion have written to thank us for the sum of £756, which I sent at the beginning of January, to provide support for Jean-Berson, Ssemialo and Luis throughout this year.
I recently received a letter from eleven year old Ssemialo who lives in Uganda, telling us that he and his family are well and that his work in school is good. He also writes, ‘Thank you for the fees and thank you for loving me. God bless you.’
I think Ssemialo’s words demonstrate just how much our support means to him and likewise to Jean-Berson and Luis. Once again, I thank you all for your continued commitment to the children, it really is very much appreciated.
Joan Canavan
Boys’ Brigade
The Boys and Staff of the 101st would like to thank everyone who helped to make our centenary service such a memorable event. The swelling music and singing was quite moving as were the numerous comments saying how much the guests enjoyed the service and the display of memorabilia. It was so good to welcome Bailie Tommy Morrison (Glasgow City Council) along with James McVean, Ronnie Campbell and Roy Inglis representing Glasgow Battalion. I was at last able to put faces to names and I hope that our ex-members will keep in touch. The retiring offering in aid of Bach Christian Hospital raised £681.50. Thank you.
The next event is our Silent Auction on March 10th. This will be in the Masonic Hall in Ardery Street starting at 7.30pm. Tickets are £3 and this includes a buffet. Please see Anne Richardson for tickets and any other information.
Company life goes on. Bryan Rettie became District chess champion again. He hasn’t lost this competition since P7 – he’s now in S5. Rory Leanord took the junior chess championship at his first attempt. Well done to both boys. By the time you receive this issue, the Junior Section will have taken part in the Superstars competition so please watch out for the results.
Colin Murray
Future Events
10/03/ 2012 – A silent auction to raise funds for the centenary.
Masonic Hall, Ardery Street, Partick 7.30pm
17/5/2012 – Civic reception in Glasgow City Chambers. 7 for 7.30pm
18/5/2012 – Centenary display in Partick Burgh Hall. 7.30pm
Christian Aid News
The annual Carol Service held on Wednesday 14 December in All Saints Episcopal Church led by the Rector, the Revd Sydney Maitland and attended by members of the local churches. The choir was augmented by choir members from other churches who led the singing of new and familiar carols. Further musical worship was provided by the Telemann Ensemble. The uplifting evening ended with mince pies and mulled wine. The collection raised a very handsome £314.01.
The Spring Fayre will be held in Jordanhill Parish Church on a Saturday in March and will consist of stalls of Bakery, Books and Fancy Goods. Tea, Coffee, Biscuits and Pancakes will be served for the admission price of £1 per adult with their accompanied children very welcome at no extra charge. Donations for the stalls should be placed in the drum in the vestibule.
Sponsored Abseils during February and March will be in England only so far.
Count your Blessings Lent is a time to take each day to reflect, pray and be thankful for the goodness of God and the blessings that we have received. Make Lent count in a fresh way by joining in the Count your Blessings journey and supporting some of the poorest communities in the world. From Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday, record your responses to each daily action in the boxes provided and see how, this Lent, you can go on a journey that will transform the way you see the world. Thank you to all who did so last year raising more than £300,000 for our work to end poverty.
Christian Aid Week this year is during 13-19 May and volunteers are urgently required to distribute and collect the envelopes. This is an ideal outreach opportunity to meet our parishioners, some of whom barely know that we exist as their parish church.
June 23-24 Join in the Holy Island Night Hike passing through rolling countryside and rugged moorland with the added adventure of scrambling to the finish before the tide comes in!
June 28 – 1 July Dust off your walking boots for a two day trek through the countryside bordering the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Hadrian's Wall. Make new friends and raise crucial funds to help put the boot into poverty
The Christian Aid Credit Card from The Co-operative Bank can help to bring lasting change to those in need. Every time an account is opened The Co-operative Bank gives Christian Aid £15. A further £2.50 is donated when the new card is used within six months and then 25p is donated for every £100 spent on the card.
The current edition of Christian Aid News is in the vestibule. Please read it and return it for others. It is full of interest and contains so much more than I can put in a church magazine.
Please continue to deposit your used Inkjet Cartridges, Postage Stamps, Spectacles in the receptacle in the vestibule and hand redundant Mobile Telephones to me.
Angus C Murchison
Thanks to all who provided material for this issue.
Please send items for the March issue by
Sunday 26th February
John Goddard (959 6247) jandvgoddard@gmail.com
Church Weekend Away 2012
You should now all know that the church weekend will be from the evening of Friday 27th until after lunch on Sunday 29th April. As in previous years it will be at Comrie Croft. The Saturday bible teaching will be given by the Rev Warner Hardie, formerly minister of Harthill Parish. If you have not yet made it along to a church weekend, this is your chance to try it out. Noone ever goes away disappointed!
We meet together each day for worship and the bible teaching, when the younger children have their own separate activities. The rest of the time of the time is just great food (thanks Anne Marie) and relaxation. Saturday evening is a social followed usually by a campfire, complete with toasted marshmallows.
Booking forms will be available from the first Sunday in March onwards. As usual people will be asked to make a donation towards the cost of the weekend. As long as enough folk come then the cost per person will be the same as last year (Adult £50, Under 16s £15, Day visitors £15).
We are very flexible in terms of arrangements for the weekend. For example, some join us just for the Saturday, others arrange their own overnight accommodation at a nearby B&B.
Do please think about joining us. Whatever your age, we reckon you will find it a physically and spiritually refreshing time.
Ranald & Christine McTaggart
Worship Services at BVP in February
Sunday 5th February
11.00 am Morning Service
Preacher Rev. Campbell Mackinnon
6.30 pm Evening Service
Preacher Rev. Campbell Mackinnon
Sunday 12th February
11.00 am Morning Service
Preacher Rev. Campbell Mackinnon
(There is no evening service)
Sunday 19th February
11.00 am Morning Service
Preacher Rev. Campbell Mackinnon
6.30 pm Evening Service
Preacher Rev. Campbell Mackinnon
Sunday 26th February
11.00 am Morning Service
Preacher Rev. Campbell Mackinnon
(There is no evening service)
The J team and Bible Class join in the morning
worship before they leave for their own classes