This Sunday we begin a series of Holy Week services with our neigbours in Broomhill and Jordanhill. In BVP on Sunday morning we will consider the Triumphal Entry of Jesus into Jerusalem by looking at the story as recoded by Luke in his Gospel and the quotation from Psalm 118. We are invted to join the congregations of Broomhill and Jordanhill in Jordanhill for a Palm Sunday Evening service.
Our Order of Service on Sunday morning will be:
Introit & Call to Worship
Hymn 448 Lord the light of your love is shining
Children’s Address: ‘Palm Sunday’
Children’s Prayer / Lord’s Prayer
Hymn 367 Hosanna loud hosanna
Prayer of Approach
Offering / Dedication
Scripture Reading: Luke 19:28-44 p1054 Psalm 118 p615
Prayer of Intercession
Hymn 744 Hark how the adoring hosts above
Sermon: ‘Open the Gates’
Hymn 364 All glory laud and honour
Benediction / Sung Amen