Saturday, 3 September 2011

Sunday 4 September

This morning as we prepare for Communion next week-end we have th joy of welcoming Miss Katrina Birss as a new member. Our Evening Services will resume at 6.30pm with a new series of studies in the prophecy of Zechariah.


Call to Worship:

Hymn 64 Sing all Creation

Collect / Lord’s Prayer

Children’s Address: ‘Family Problems’

Hymn 426 All heaven declares

Prayer of Approach

Welcome of Miss Katrina Birss to BVP


Offering / Dedication

Scripture Reading:  Matthew 8 v1—13 p772

Prayer of Intercession

Hymn 606 Lord sometimes you speak in wonders

Sermon:  ‘I am Willing’

Hymn 356 Meekness and majesty

Benediction / Sung Amen